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Judge grants Lisa Marie Presley shared child custody

Lisa Marie Presley, Elvis Presley’s daughter, was divorced from Michael Lockwood four years ago. The two were entangled in a child custody battle for quite some time, an experience to which many Michigan parents may relate. Lockwood told the court that he believed the risk was high for Presley to lapse back into substance abuse after suffering the tragic loss of her son, who took his own life.

Lockwood also told the court that he was gravely concerned about firearms that Presley has in her home. In fact, Lockwood said his children told him that their mother walked around the house with a gun in her hand on at least one occasion. The children’s father told the judge that he believes his kids may be in danger when they are with Presley due to these and other issues and that he should be granted sole physical custody to keep his children safe.

The judge ultimately determined that a shared child custody arrangement would be best. The court also reprimanded both parents, noting that their constant bickering and inability to amicably communicate with one another was a detriment to the well-being of their children. The judge also commended Presley, however, saying that she worked hard to overcome addiction and the court was convinced she continues to maintain sobriety.

If a Michigan parent has struggled with substance abuse issues in the past, it does not necessarily mean that the court will deny him or her child custody in a divorce. Family court judges determine each case by its own merits based upon what it determines is in the best interest of the children involved. A parent who is gearing up for child custody litigation that involves challenging issues may want to consult with an experienced family law attorney before heading to court.