When you make a major decision, it’s impossible to be totally prepared to deal with implications the decision might have in your life. This is especially true if your decision affects your children’s lives, such as moving to a new home in Michigan or quitting your job. If you file for divorce, your decision is going to change your family’s lifestyle, but there’s no way to predict the future and, therefore, no way to know exactly what issues might arise.
There are numerous things to keep in mind to help make a divorce as painless as possible. That doesn’t guarantee that you won’t experience stress or legal complications. It does, however, mean that you can lay the groundwork to cope with the situation in a practical and healthy manner.
Focus on these divorce issues as you prepare for proceedings
Just as your marriage was unique in comparison to all the other marriages in the world, you might encounter issues in a divorce that are not relevant to another pair of spouses in a similar situation. The following list, however, includes issues that are common in many divorces:
- Understanding the legal system and laws pertaining to divorce
- Organizing finances and compiling a list of financial needs
- Knowing what support resources are available for you and your children
- Determining whether litigation is necessary or if mediation is possible
- Taking care of your mental, emotional and physical health
Each of these issues is relevant to divorce. The better prepared and more informed you are before proceedings or negotiations, the less stressful the process might be and greater the likelihood that you will achieve an agreeable settlement.
If a particular divorce issue is causing you concern
Taking these issues into consideration before finalizing your divorce may help you avoid disputes with your ex. If a specific issue arises that you are worried about or unable to resolve on your own, you can tap into local support networks for assistance. For instance, if you’re concerned about property division issues and are not sure about Michigan guidelines, you can discuss the issue with someone who is knowledgeable about state laws.
Several of these issues might be relevant to your children, such as laws regarding child custody, financial needs and your health, as a parent. Being proactive is typically the best course of action. You can confidently state your needs and just as confidently ask for guidance and support when you need it.