When a Michigan married couple who have children together determine that their relationship is no longer viable, it sparks many changes in their lives. Divorce is often part of such changes, and it can be challenging to process one’s emotions during a time of upheaval, even when one is freely choosing to move on in life without his or her spouse. Singer Kelly Clarkson recently navigated the break-up of her own marriage, and she has come forward to share a few things that have helped her cope.
Clarkson says that, at first, she was not sure how to describe or define her feelings regarding her divorce. In a recent interview on her show with country music icon Garth Brooks, Clarkson said Brooks’s music, particularly one song called “The Dance” was therapeutic for her. She said listening to music helps her process her emotions, and the lyrics in Brooks’s song really hit home for her. In fact, that song inspired her to write one of her own for an upcoming album.
Clarkson also said that many of her friends have helped her cope with divorce by giving her books to read. As many Michigan spouses can likely relate, Clarkson said the biggest lesson she has learned is that she does not have to depend on another person to be her hero in life. She can be her own hero. The singer admits, however, that sadness is a natural part of the divorce process, and each person might find something unique that helps him or her create closure in order to move on in life and adapt to a new lifestyle in a healthy manner.
Divorce is not easy, but it also does not necessarily have to ruin lives. Part of finding closure often involves resolving various legal issues that arise. While close friends and family members can be on hand to help with emotional issues, it is always best to consult with an experienced family law attorney for additional support in legal matters. Acting alongside experienced legal representation may be a key factor to achieving a fair settlement in a swift and amicable fashion.